COVID-19 Mythbusters

Project OVerview



    E-learning Heroes Challenge #274: What You Need to Know about COVID-19.


    Myths can be very powerful, especially in an environment of fear and uncertainty. So I made an Articulate course that helps dispel falsehoods about how to protect yourself against  COVID-19.


    • Articulate Storyline
    • Images from: Freepik and Pexels


    With most people being stuck at home, I designed the course around one of the common ways everyone was keeping up with loved ones: cell phones.

    From the opening scene to quiz scenarios, everything involves text conversations. In the scenarios,  learners  choose the best way to answer a text from a loved ones. Then they can see how their choice panes out and whether their choice was the best answer.

    I really enjoyed designing the phone conversations and adding the animations and sound effects.