Create An Accessible Workplace

Project Overview


For the second sprint, we could pick any Learning Objective that’s ready to be turned into a learning experience from Rumie’s ClickUp task list. Learning objectives focus on transferable skills so that learners can apply what they learn to a variety of situations and careers. 


I have a brother who is special needs so having places and spaces that are inclusive of people with disabilities is very important to me. And even though he is unable to work due to his disability, I want to make sure people know how to create more inclusive work environments.

This is why I chose to make a Byte (short learning experience) on strategies workplaces can implement to make everyone, no matter their (dis)ability, feel more comfortable and respected. 



If individuals, businesses and organizations were unsure of why it’s important to create more inclusive workplaces, I included a couple of compelling statistics in the introduction.

Not all disabilities are visible to the naked eye, some people have unseen disabilities like epilepsy or autism spectrum disorder. So the strategies I included in my Byte didn’t focus on just general environmental changes, but also addressed more specific things like offering assistive technology. 

I ended my Byte with a question to get learners thinking about how they can start implementing the strategies I went over. I wanted to incite real change instead of just giving information.