Use Career Aptitude Tests To Identify Your Strengths

Project OVerview


For this first sprint, we could pick any learning objective that’s ready to be turned into a learning experience from Rumie’s ClickUp task list. Learning objectives focus on transferable skills so that learners can apply what they learn to a variety of situations and careers. 


In Fall 2019, I went on a journey to discover my own strengths and how I could use them in a new career. During this time, I took quite a few career assessments to find out more about myself. So I thought it’d be awesome to create a Byte (Rumie’s short learning experiences) about some of those career tests that helped me. 



There are so many types of career tests available to take, each assessing different parts of our personality. For this Byte, I made learners aware of this by dividing tests into three categories: Personality, Interests, and Skills/Strengths.

For the rest of the Byte, I gave short explanations and examples for each of the categories above. Then, halfway through the Byte, I inserted a quiz question to make sure learners understand which career test to choose in a particular situation. 

To end the Byte, I make sure that learners know that career test results aren’t always reliable. They are encouraged talk over their test results with loved ones or professionals so they can make wise career decisions. But I also encourage learners to get started in discovering their own strengths by suggesting a couple of career tests to take. I feel that learning shouldn’t stop at just giving information, but also inspiring action.